
Stage Objective
Intermediary 1. Achievement of the data base
2. Acquisition of the necessary equipments
3. Determining of the areas that will be monitored
4. Statistical processing of the data and dissemination of the results
Final 1. Analysis of control factors
2. Payment of the sum representing the indirect financial obligations


Intermediary stage

The results of the research were synthesized in two works presented at international scientific meetings:

  1. Boengiu, S., Marinescu, E., Vlăduţ, A., Licurici, M., Ionuş, O., Emilian, C. – Morphogenetic Types Of Landslides Within Piedmont Regions From Romania, 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (Anziag) 6 – 11 July 2009 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia;
  2. Mihaela Licurici, Oana Ionuş, Sandu Boengiu, Emil Marinescu – The Assessment of the Human Pressure upon the Appearance of Hazardous Geomorphological Phenomena. Case Study: the Bălăciţa Piedmont, Romania, Geomorphosites 2009: Raising the Profile of Geomorphological Heritage Through Iconography, Inventory and Promotion, 9 – 12 July, 2009, Paris, France.

Final stage

The results of the research were synthesized in two works presented at national and international scientific meetings:

  1. Boengiu S., Licurici Mihaela, Ionuş Oana, Marinescu E., (2009), Influenţa activităţilor antropice asupra proceselor geomorfologice în Piemontul Bălăciţei, lucrările Seminarului Geografic Internaţional Dimitrie Cantemir, ediţia xxix, Universitatea Al.I. Cuza, Iaşi.
  2. Boengiu S., Marinescu E., Vlăduţ Alina, Licurici Mihaela, Avram Sorin, (2009), Modificări induse sistemelor geomorfologice ca urmare a exploatării lignitului în Oltenia, Sesiunea Anuală de Comunicări Ştiinţifice, Universitatea din Bucureşti.

There was realised the paper The Assessment of the Human Pressure upon the Appearance of Hazardous Geomorphologic Phenomena. Case Study: The Bălăciţa Piedmont, Romania (authors: Licurici Mihaela, Ionuş Oana, Boengiu Sandu, Marinescu Emil). The paper was sent to Groupe Français de Geomorphologie, Institut de Geographie, Paris in order to be reviewed for publication.

The following papers were published:

  1. Boengiu Sandu, Avram Sorin, Vlăduţ Alina (2009), The Influence of Climate on Gravitational Processes within the Jiu River Valley, Central European Journal of Geosciences, Versita, Warsaw, vol. 1, nr. 3, pp. 303-311, ISSN 1896-1517.
  2. Boengiu Sandu, Avram Sorin (2009), Bălăciţa Piedmont. A Model of Formation and Evolution, Zeitschrift Fuer Geomorphologie, Nr. 53, Suppl. 3, Berlin – Stuttgart, pp. 85-95.


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